Cheating in an Online Exam

As online exams are becoming considerably more common place, unsurprisingly, cheating in an online exam is becoming more common too!  However, universities are beginning to put in place mechanisms to stop the cheating…  here are the 10 most common tools used to stop cheating in an online exam.   Cheating in an online exam – Proctoring Software: Utilizing proctoring software that monitors students through their webcam, screen, and microphone during the exam. It can detect unusual behaviour or the presence of unauthorized materials. Example: Software that flags when a student looks away from the screen frequently or detects another person…

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Ontology in Business Management Research

Ontology, as a branch of philosophy, delves into the nature of being, existence, and the categories of being. Its application in business management research is both profound and necessary. The term Ontology in Business Management Research represents an intellectual framework that guides how researchers conceive of the nature of reality in the context of business phenomena. In this comprehensive examination, we will explore the philosophical underpinnings of ontology, its relevance to business management research, and the implications of adopting a clear ontological viewpoint in this field.   Understanding Ontology in Philosophy At its core, ontology in philosophy concerns itself with…

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Academic Theory in Business Management Research

Academic theory in business management research represents a set of interconnected ideas that have been scientifically tested and refined over time to explain, predict, and understand various aspects of business and organizational behaviour. These theories serve as a crucial foundation for both academic research and practical application in the field of business management. Their main characteristics include:   Academic theory in business management research – Conceptual Frameworks: These theories provide a structured lens through which researchers and practitioners can view complex business phenomena. They offer models that help in organizing thinking around various business functions like marketing, finance, operations, human…

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Academics Hate Christmas

So, why do academics hate Christmas?  Academics hate Christmas, but like everything else in academia they can’t agree on why… they each have their own disciplinary reasons, here are some examples…   Theology academics hate Christmas and absolutely detest how Christmas’s commercialization overshadows its spiritual roots. They firmly believe the holiday has deviated from its theological origins, turning a sacred religious festival into a shopping spree. They grumble at the sight of Christmas trees, yearning for more profound spiritual reflection.   Ancient Language academics hate Christmas and have a well-known aversion to Christmas, primarily due to the rampant mispronunciation of…

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The Whimsical Tapestry of Western Christmas Traditions

Yuletide Tapestry Unraveled Dive into the “Yuletide Tapestry Unraveled” as we embark on a merry exploration of Western Christmas traditions. Each custom, with its unique origin, weaves a rich and whimsical tapestry that adorns our festive celebrations.   1. The Christmas Tree: A German Gem Our “Yuletide Tapestry Unraveled” begins in 16th-century Germany with the advent of the Christmas tree. This beloved tradition, which saw trees adorned with apples, nuts, and paper flowers, spread across Europe and later America, morphing into the bedazzled trees we see today. 2. Mistletoe: From Druids to Romance The story of mistletoe intertwines ancient Druid…

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Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Justice: The New Business Imperative

In the evolving landscape of business, the intertwining of corporate social responsibility and social justice has emerged as a crucial aspect. This change, reflecting a broader societal movement towards equity and fairness, compels corporations to weave social responsibility into their core strategies. This blog delves into how businesses are adapting to this reality, focusing on diversity and inclusion, and their significant role in driving societal change.   The Intersection of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Justice in Business The integration of corporate social responsibility and social justice in business practices goes beyond a moral obligation; it is a strategic necessity.…

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Academic Theory in Social Sciences

Academic Theory in Social Sciences serves as a structured framework for understanding and interpreting various aspects of social reality. Academic theory in Social Sciences is grounded in systematically gathered and analyzed evidence, often emerging from rigorous research methodologies. They differ significantly from everyday theories or speculations, which are often based on anecdotal evidence or personal experiences.   Characteristics of Academic Theory in Social Sciences Systematic and Structured: Academic Theory in Social Sciences is systematically developed, following a rigorous methodology. They are structured to offer a coherent explanation of a range of phenomena. Empirically Grounded: Academic Theory in Social Sciences is…

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Theory of Knowledge

This exploration is crucial in comprehending how knowledge is conceptualized, acquired, and authenticated within the social sciences, which inherently engage with human conduct, societal structures, and cultural norms.   Theory of Knowledge – Nature and Scope of Knowledge in Social Sciences Constructivist Epistemology: In the social sciences, constructivism posits that knowledge is a construct of social processes (Berger & Luckmann, 1966). This perspective emphasizes that knowledge and understanding of the world are shaped through interactions within social and cultural contexts. Positivism versus Interpretivism: This dichotomy is fundamental in social science research. Positivism, aligned with the natural sciences, advocates for measurable,…

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Is an MBA Value for Money

Is an MBA Value for Money – Financial Considerations and Return on Investment Cost vs. Salary Increase Cost: The cost of MBA programs varies widely. Top-tier programs can cost upwards of $100,000, whereas less prestigious programs may be significantly cheaper. Salary Increase: According to the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), alumni of full-time two-year MBA programs reported a median salary increase of 77% over their pre-MBA earnings. However, this varies by region, industry, and the prestige of the MBA program. Long-Term Financial ROI Studies show that the ROI of an MBA can be substantial over a long-term career. However, this…

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Chinese students in the UK

Chinese students in the UK are keeping universities afloat, at least economically.  Chinese students, as the largest group of international students in many UK universities, contribute significantly to their revenue. This is especially relevant given that international students often pay considerably higher tuition fees than domestic students. The financial input from these students can be crucial for universities, especially in the context of declining government funding in some regions and the financial impacts of events like the COVID-19 pandemic.   However, the follow four factors should also be reflected upon: Chinese students in the UK – Dependency Risks This reliance…

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